If you’ve visited our on-line store previously, perhaps to purchase items related to our Gettysburg Heritage Trails program or one of our special-edition shoulder patches, you’ve probably already noticed the appearance of this part of our council’s website has completely changed. We’re in the midst of making a number of changes to our council’s overall website and we’ve decided to start with our on-line store, even before the rest of our website is ready to go.
We wanted to make sure our store worked well for our visitors, regardless of the web browser you are using, and also improve the functionality and security of our on-line store. We’ve switched to a different on-line store system that will allow us to improve the experience for users making purchases from our site. We haven’t changed our inventory of products, our prices or our shipping costs, so even though our site may look different, you’ll still be able to get all the great Gettysburg Historic Trails merchandise and other items dealing directly with the New Birth of Freedom Council.
If you’re traveling to Gettysburg in the near future to participate in the the Historic Trails program, safe travels and I know you’ll enjoy that experience. Many thousands of Scouts participate in the Historic Trails program each year and we’re delighted to be partnered with the National Park Service in promoting the availability of that program. For more information on the Gettysburg Heritage Trails program, please visit http://newbirthoffreedom.org/gettysburg-heritage-trails-program.
Yours in Scouting,
Ron Gardner
Scout Executive & CEO
New Birth of Freedom Council, BSA